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  WELCOME TO 7TRIP   Company Profile    Shanghai 7trip Int’ Limited (7trip)’s previous name was Shanghai Hengshan Int' Travel Service Limited which established in 1993, and it was one of the first enterprises that obtained the outbound tourism qualification from China National Tourism Administration. And it has long been ranked as one of the top 100 tourism companies in China. In 2011, First Sino Union Group acquired Shanghai Hengshan Int' Travel Service Limited and changed its name into Shanghai 7trip Int’ Limited.   7trip positions as "personalized tourism cultural experience products supplier" and "online travel solution provider", and seeks for providing good experience to tourists, therefore, it attracts a large number of senior professionals including foreign experts to join in.   Since 2012, the annual number of outbound travelers from 7trip is nearly 100000, and its income is several hundred of million RMB. 7trip has become a fully functional, characteristics, online and offline, innovated company. It formed different brands – “ShangHeHui”, “YiXingKe” and “HuiXingKe”.   "ShangHeHui" (www.shanghehui.com.cn) is managed by a professional team of people with both Chinese and Western background. The brand operates based on the idea of civil diplomacy and upholds the concept of “seeking lights of peace, finding roots of faith” as its central philosophy. ShangHeHui aims to create a system of cultural products including "Pilgrimage Tour", "Friendship Journey" and “Thematic Tourism", which will be centered among Asian countries like Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and outreached to Bulgaria, Portugal and other European Countries.   "YiXingKe" (www.yixingke.com) refers to the E-commerce services for independent travelers. Through online technology innovation, YiXingKe has established a highly efficient and inexpensive self-service platform for young tourists.   “HuiXingKe” (www.huixingke.com) works for group tour. The company takes “Good Price, Good Trip” as characteristic, and focuses on “cruise ship wholesale” and “charter flight services” to create outbound tourism products that cover global destinations.       WELCOME TO 7TRIP   华一国旅简介   上海华一国际旅行社有限公司(简称上海华旅或华一国旅)成立于1993年,是最早获得中国国家旅游局颁发出境旅游组团社资质的企业之一。上海华旅原系长年位居全国旅游百强的老牌知名国企-上海衡山国际旅游公司星空体育APp是不是黑平台。2011年,华一联合集团重组该企业,更为现名。   上海华旅以“个性化旅游文化体验产品供应商”和“数字化旅游方案解决商”为特色,以“游客美好体验”为核心追求,以“高专业化经理人治企”为根本,吸引了一大批来自境内外的资深行业人士加盟。 星空体育网站入口网址是多少   2012年以来,年营业额均达数亿元,年出境旅游游客均达近10万人。已成为一家功能齐全,特色初具,线上线下并重,零售批发兼营的新型旅游企业,影响力急剧上升,逐渐形成 “尚和汇”、 “易行客”、“惠行客”服务品牌。   “尚和汇”(www.shanghehui.com.cn):具有一支中西文化兼蓄的专业团队,秉持“和光同尘、信仰寻根”,“民间外交”理念,打造以尼泊尔、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡、缅甸等亚洲国家为重点,连接保加利亚、葡萄牙等欧洲国家的“朝圣之旅”“友谊之旅”“主题旅游”文创产品体系。   “易行客”(www.yixingke.com),是指自由行电商服务,以“易行客,爱自由”为特色,通过网络科技创新,建立普惠、高效、廉价的青年游客当地参团自助平台。   “惠行客”(www.huixingke.com),是指团队旅游。公司以“惠行客,好价格”为特色,以“邮轮批发”“包机”为重点,打造覆盖“全球目的地”的出境旅游产品,形成显著规模效应。 星空体育官网登录平台    

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